We are glad to accommodate you at the Costa of Lagomarsino. We would not seem unkind asking to respect some simple rules that permit a better use of the house, a better cohabitation and avoid damages to things or persons. We do not list them in importance order: we think that all of them are important. To the end you can find a short list of the things to remember before leaving and the maps of the house. For every thing that you do not know you can always contact us at the number +393472294722. Thanks.
Having some of the neighbours who unfortunately are not much cordial, please try to assure you do not to invade the other people's property out of the house and to avoid letting objects fall from the windows. You can ask us the limits of the property and the properties that are accessible without problems or watch the attached map at the bottom .
Before leaving do not forget to write on the book of the guests that normally you can find on the plan of the window on the left of the fireplace. If you do not find it you can ask it to us. Even if it is not the first time that you come, please leave the same something written. Another important thing is to fill up both the entrance card , to be delivered at the withdrawal of the keys, and the presence card , to be delivered at the restitution of the keys. Print them and then fill them up. We ask you to write the values, read at the arrival and the departure, of the gas counter that you can find on the left of the wall in the external land, the number of present persons and the name, the e-mail address and the telephones of at least a person to which we can address in the case we need, later on, to contact you (as an example, when we do not find again any object that have been used).
There are at your disposition 2 complete baths with shower and 4 common washhouses. Under the public washhouses there are several powder bags: please pay attention not to let fall the water on powders.
Since the sweage ends in a biological collector, pay attention to unload into the cabinets only the water of WC and not other waters, above all if they contain cleaning liquids that could destroy enzymes of the biological collector, and only material rigorously and easyly biodegradable (paper or, obviously, excrements) and nothing else.
We ask you always to pull the water of the WC , above all before leaving.
The kitchen is equipped of a complete set of dishes in china for at least 16 people and some other pottery in china or plastic and forks, spoons and knives to feed and to give to drink to more than 30 people, pots and frying pans, a big pot 20 litres wide, a wide stove with 5 fires, a oven without grill, a refrigerator with a small freezer, dishwasher, a kitchen robot, a machine for fresh pasta. If it is useful it is possible to start a second small refrigerator. If you use the dishwasher you can leave the dishes to dry inside, leaving the door a little bit opened . We recommend not leaving dirty dishes or pots in order to avoid the spread of mildews. The big pot and the grills can be better washed in the public washhouses next to the common room.
If you use some of the food that is conserved in our house, please buy or pay them back. Before opening a new confection of something like salt, sugar or oil, please try to use those already open and eventually leave those that you carried with you and you did not use.
In the kitchen there are little sponges for the dishes and some others little sponges for the surfaces, please try not to confuse them: those for the dishes are those with not cut angles.
In order to exit on the terrace near the kitchen, in the drawer next to the refrigerator there should be the key. Please pay a big attention not to forget open that door on leaving, eventually also controlling not to leave switched on the external light that sometimes can also be involuntarily switched on.
In the common room there is a fireplace with two grills for cooking (that must be cleaned if used), three foldable tables for 10 people each, 12 foldable chairs in metal and 8 large stackable chairs for garden and 8 small one for children.
In the room there is a motorized trap door that covers the stair that goes down to the dormitory. This trap door can be raised and be lowered through the two black push-buttons present on the wall at the side of the trap door and on the column under the trap door. The drive of the motor has a little delay and needs a short wait time before inverting the movement. When you lower the trap door please pay attention to interrupt the pressure on the key as soon as it is closed in order not to deform the hinges. Pay attention that there is nobody or nothing on the trap door at the moment of the raising. Please avoid to raise and to lower the trap door continuously because the motor could be overheated and therefore it could break off. We advise you to hold the trap door normally opened unless you need a wider space in the room and you do not need to go up and down the stairs.
In order to open the tables it is necessary to make a little effort in order to unblock the spring, otherwise you risk that the legs folds down during the use. In order to close the tables you must pull down and press strongly on the stirrup that fits in the spring so as to unblock it and then to press strongly in order to bring back the legs under the table. We would pray you to cover the tables with the plastic tablecloths that, if you do not see them around, they could be in the drawers of the room. The tables can be used also outside if well covered: pay attention not to ruin the walls and the tables when passing through the external door.
In the common room there are a stereo system with CD, double tapes, stereo radio. Please do not modify the selected stations of the radio. The tuning is not very good but it is the best available in the place. The first three channels are the RAI ones, then there are other channels like Babboleo Radio, Zeta Radio, Peace Radio and Radio Maria. Unfortunately there is not much more.
There is no TV set but there is an old PC with Windows 3,11 operating system, Word 2, Excel 4.
In the dormitory there are 8 double deck beds and a single bed with their mattress, and some other 10 mattresses laid on a wood floor that it holds 5 of them side by side. When you lay out the mattresses on the wood floor please pay attention that they are laid next to the bar and they do not touch the wall. Only some blankets and pillows are available for the one that forgot them.
Please do not move the beds from their position, also because you risk damaging them.
In the house there is a fireplace that can be used only if you know how to, paying attention to make little fires (a fireplace is not a camp fire). During the winter it is possible to heat, apart the fireplace that anyway cannot heat more than the fireplace room, also with the methane heating. As some groups used the fireplace instead of the methane heating, making damages, the fireplace can be used only when also the methane heating is used. The firewood is not a free good, contrarily to what many people think, and is much expensive to acquire and demands time for being recovered and being prepared. Who wants to use the fireplace must supply the firewood back in the forests away from the house or must carry it from their house. Do not confuse the tables in the yard with the firewood to burn. If you want to light up the fireplace but you do not have time or possibility to get it at the moment in the forests you can use that present in house provided that you replace it before leaving or you pay back the recovery and purchase cost. In order to cut the firewood it can also be used, outside, the electric saw, but only if you know how to use it well: we had to replace the first chain after few months thanks to the fact that someone probably tried to cut also the stones of the pavement in front of the house. In order to fire the flame you can find the paper within the blue case under the window in the room of the fireplace.
If it has not already been set up the thermostat for the days of your permanence, in order to turn on the heating it is enough to press the key with the small hand on the thermostat that it is under the stair in the common room. You should listen a small click, seeing marked the maximum temperature to which the heating it is limited and presumably the draw of a little flame. In such case you should also see a little light near the valves on the left. It is possible also to modify such temperature with the little keys + and - until indicating the wished temperature, but we would ask you not to exceed the 19 centigrade degrees. In order to turn on the heating of the dormitories, even if the thermostat is regulated, you must turn counter-clockwise the black grip handle on the left in the hole in the wall on the left of the thermostat, close to the lighted little ligth. It is important that you remember to turn off the heating before leaving and before going to sleep, pressing again the key with the small hand making to disappear the symbol of the little flame but also turning in clockwise sense the black grip handle of the heating of the dormitory. The heating is one of the higher costs in all the management of the house.
The equipments must be handled with caution in order to avoid their braking off. We ask you to use them only if you are able to.
There is a vacuum cleaner that, if opportunely modified, can also inhale liquids, an electric saw to use with much caution using glasses and gloves and taking care not to ruin the thread of the chain.
In nearly all the house and in the lands around it there is the signal of TIM, Vodafone and Wind mobile phone networks. In the dormitories the signal is unstable.
Close to the entrance door and to the gas counter outside there are the switches for the external light. The light can be set fixed or timed through the selector next to the safety switch near the entrance door. When it is timed you can switch off pressing again on the switch.
Before leaving please leave the house, baths, kitchen and the other rooms as much clean as possible, possibly cleaner than how you have found it, we and who will come after you will thank you for that. Please put the things in their place trying to remember where you took them because it is not pleasant to pass the days to try to find displaced things or to repurchase the things that we not find anymore. The tools and the materials for the cleaning should be in the inferior baths. In the room of the fireplace you can find also a big white bucket with brush and shovels. For such bucket there are big bags in the drawers of the little board next to the stairs. Please remember to carry away the trash, possibly keeping separated plastic, glass and the rest. In the place in front of the little church of Lagomarsino there are the drums for the rubbish and the differentiated collection. You can put paper and cardboard to throw away into the blue case in the common room and the firewood in the other cases near to the fireplace.
Remember to pull the rinsing of the WC, otherwise the WC cannot become clean any more.
If you use the vacuum cleaner, remember to verify that it is not full and, in the case, empty it outside the house without losing the accessories that are on the vacuum cleaner.
Do not leave open the windows or the doors to dry the floors, above all on your departure, because, beyond being an access way for thieves, they are an access way for animals (little rats, birds, ghiri ...) that lives in the outskirts and that we already found in house thanks to the carelessness of someone. To let them out after is not neither easy neither painless.
We obviously like if you help us to keep the house working. If you give us something to end the house, to furnish it, to equip it or to receive who will come after you, it is even more appreciated if you find the way to take it to the house, above all when it is heavy.
If you see something broken off or dismounted, also not for your cause, and you know how to repair it, please do it, otherwise leave it written on the book of the hosts and the presence card so that we can repair it.
Try to reduce expenses, above all eliminating those useless, as light up lights when there is nobody in the room or when there is the sun. The lights of the kitchen and the inferior washhouses are fluorescent and would be better to switch them on and off not so frequently because this reduce their life, if it is not necessary please avoid to switch them on otherwise, if you must go and come, switch them off only when there is no more persons that have to return in the room.
At the present moment the following things can be useful for the common use of the house: sheet, blankets, pillows, dishes in china and knives, spoons and forks in metal. The useful jobs are: collection and cut of the firewood, cleanings and reordering of the external spaces. Jobs that demand greater competences are the assembly of the second inferior bath.
In the case you break off or you ruin something we ask you to replace it avoiding us to lose our time or, if really you cannot do it, to pay back the damage so that we can replace it.
To persons using the house we ask an offer in order to repay expenses.
To no-profit groups doing social and educational activity we ask to leave 5 (euro) per person per night for use and mantenance expenses like the warm water.
To families and groups of friends we ask to leave 10 (euro) per person per night that we use for maintenance and repairs. In some particular moments of the year, like the New Year's Day, we could ask a small ulterior contribution.
In case of use of the heating we ask to anyone an further contribution of 75 (euro) per night independently from the number for persons.
If you use the house only during the day we ask you to contribute for the equivalent of the night. This offer, up to now, allows us to repay normal expenses (but not all the damages and the wastes of who, as an example, forget to extinguish the heating) so that we ask to you to pay back the other expenses, above all if we point out them to you, without having to ask to us if you must give something for the damages or the wastes (if it is the case we will tell you that it is not necessary).
To informal groups and in the case we think it necessary due to the kind of the previewed use of the house, we could ask you a deposit that we will give back at the moment of the restitution of the keys if the house is in order and there have not been damages. In such case, obviously, we ask also the payment in advance of the offer.
We ask you to clean up the house before leaving (floors, dishes, kitchen, baths), possibly even better than as you have found it. If you cannot do it for some reason (i.e. you do not have the time), you can leave 25 (euro) that we will give to a person who will come to do cleanings in your place.
If you have economic problems (some person who cannot pay, stays for longer periods or similar things) tell it to us and we will see how to help you.
Obviously we ask you not to take away anything from the house that is not yours and we ask you to attend that who is with you do not do it. Various objects have been took away (torches, grill, CD, toys, buckets...), even only for bluster, but for us they are a damage (both the lost of the object and to have to get it again) that it is putting in doubt our intention to continue to give the house in use to groups. Beside, we ask you to respect the house in a general and the land round and to avoid to do as the most famous Vale that it thought necessary to leave trace of its passage on the tree in front of the house.
Who will leave a dirty house, will ruin or consume the things without replacing them or even without to communicate it to us, it will be included in a list of groups to which the house it will be no more given and that it is readable via Internet. We would not to let fall on who behaves well the incorrect behaviour of someone, denying to all the use of the house.
We ask you not to smoke in the house, neither holding the windows opened, above all when the heating is ignited in order not to disperse the precious heat: around the house there is much space in order to go to smoke. If you just cannot miss it and outside in the torment wolves are roaring, please smoke in the inferior toilet.
In order to participate to the Mass you can find it in the little church of Lagomarsino on Saturday at 16 in winter and at 17 in summer, on Sunday at 10 in Lumarzo, where you can go by foot in about fifteen minutes continuing to climb the path that passes right under the house. Other Masses are at 11:30 in the Madonna del Bosco church near Pannesi and in the afternoon of Sunday in Cicagna (if they did not change it, at 17 in winter and at 18 in summer).
Remember that the house is not a hotel or a restaurant. Everybody is asked to collaborate in the management of the house. Do not think of having more necessity, requirements and desires of the others because also who is serving have necessity, requirements and desires. Try always to be in credit of help instead that in debit.
Usually food is enough for everybody and if you don't like something this do not give you the right to eat what you like without leaving some of it to the others because many times also the others prefer what you like more, but perhaps they pretend less. And if food is not enough for all it is a good rule to share, beyond the food, also a little appetite.
If you have small children please be always sure that someone attends to them. The children can cause remarkable damages to himself and to the others that are not less serious because caused only by children. It is true that the children are beautiful, but is not nice to be forced to take cure of a child without choosing it, above all if the child is crying in despair searching the mother, the father or an educator that have gone nobody knows where.
We give you a short list of the things to remember before leaving. Please write on the book of the guests, clean up the house, carry away the trash, control that the water have been pulled in the toilets, read the counter of the gas, switch off all the inner and external lights (please control not to have unwillingly switched on the external light of the little terrace of the kitchen), turn off the heating if you turned it on (the little light under the stairs must be all turned off), close all the external windows and doors, close all the taps of the water and disconnecct the water boiler from the plug. Do not close neither the tap of the gas (eventually only the inner tap over the stoves) nor the central water tap nor the central electrical switch.
When you leave, please ask if there is something in common to carry to the road or if there is someone that needs an help to carry something.
We thank you to be arrived until the end of these long text because only if who uses the house do it feeling itself some way responsible we will be able to continue to give it in use.
In order to reserve the house you must fill up a form in which to supply some information relative to the group that reserves it and to the person who takes the responsibility of its use. Now that you have read all the conditions of use, you can visit the page containing the calendar of the reservations through which it can be reached the reservation form. In order to return to the instructions to arrive to Lagomarsino you can click here.